Monday, January 23, 2017


Welcome again to my new blog! This is about advocacy and here it is!!

Let me define first what is advocacy.

       Advocacy is a public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy.

I will discuss about my advocacy and it is about SOCIAL MEDIA.

      Now a days many of us have social media like facebook, twitter, instagram, blogs and other websites. People who have social media are teenagers and adult. 

      By using this sites you can be update on what is happening in our surroundings. Even if you are not in your house you can use those websites by simply opening your mobile data. In using this you should think some principles in using social media. First is, be personal. You can share your story through your own social media by posting it Second, you should keep your eye on the goal, refrain from posting personal attack or negative comments about certain issues or post. Last you should be facts not fiction, staying credible means sharing quality information and refraining from posting exaggerated or false information about what you see in social media, you can post, comment and share your opinion but don't ever use words that will hurt other people. SOme network like ABS-CBN and GMA have their own pages in facebook, account in twitter and instagram so that if you don't have T.V or radio, social media can help you get informations by visiting their pages and other accounts just open your mobile data or wifi. We all know that social media is very important and popular and it can be useful to every one of us.

Using Social Media for Advocacy

Blogs (short for web-log and micro-blogs): It is a common method
of distributing news, thought, and even general information.
Today, many users will create and post a blog on a site like
WordPress or Tumblr, then distribute the post by another social
method, such as Facebook. Facebook and Twitter have some
functional limitations to the length of posts, though they do have a
much greater reach. Using Facebook and/or Twitter posts to
spread the word about a blog and redirecting traffic to the blog is a
more effective way to reach a broader audience than just using
one of these mediums alone. Once a blog is created the “blogger”
(author of the blog) needs to have an agenda and a regular
schedule for posting updates. The key is to keep to a regular
schedule, like once a day or once a week, so that followers know
when to expect updates. Also, remember to ask followers to
“subscribe” to your blog. This will automatically send them an
email when a new post is made and will give you an idea of how

many people are following your blog.

 Facebook: Facebook is a connection website; the idea is that
people will connect with other people of similar interests,
employment, education, and even familial relations. Facebook
allows members to post pictures, link to blogs and videos, create
events, or create an entire page for an organization. Contacts or
friends can be found initially with people that you know with similar
interests, or colleagues that work in the same field. It is important
to remember that Facebook is a “social network”. Being a follower
of other organizations not only helps to promote them, but could
generate more followers for your organization. In addition, those
organizations can be a resource for yours or potential collaborator
on a project. Once a few friends are added, others can find your
page. Facebook can be used to highlight issues that are important
to your group and share photos and articles related to this. This is
where you can write your comments/opinions and your friends can
view your post and comment on it. You can also let friends know
about important training's or events.

Twitter: This site offers the shorter version of a blog, up to 140
characters. Post what you’re doing, where you are and what’s
going on around you. Regular posts from events and meetings
can keep your followers informed instantly on your organization’s
progress. Followers need to be established in the same way as
Facebook, and more can find you from there. Many mobile users
have Twitter push updates directly to their mobile devices.

In application of this, you should know the proper way of using those sites. You need to use it in a good way. Think before you post, comment and share to others. Be updated on what is happening in our society and be responsible in posting in the said websites.

THINK before you CLICK!

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